#11759 Book Publishing Ireland

Book Publishing Ireland
The Blanchardstown Centre, 15, County Dublin Ireland
Dublin 12
#11354 Ireland

#10276 Company information

Children's book publishers in Ireland are dedicated to bringing captivating stories for young readers to life, with a focus on creativity, quality, and cultural relevance. These publishers provide specialized services to authors, including manuscript editing, illustration, layout design, and distribution, all tailored to the unique demands of children’s literature. Working with talented illustrators and editors, Irish children's book publishers create age-appropriate, visually engaging books that connect with young audiences

#23726 Company profile type 
#11712 Employer
#11713 Recruitment Agency
#10246 Company size 
Großbetrieb (251-1000 MA)
#10238 Industry 
Andere / Nicht klassifiziert
#10242 Wanted occupational fields 

#14998 Company profile locations

The Blanchardstown Centre, 15, County Dublin Ireland
Dublin 12
#11354 Ireland